Wednesday, August 31, 2005

why am i still single daw.,.

really eh?.,.

how bout this one?.,.

..."it takes time to forget and forever to get over it...the pain might fade away but the memory of the pain will remain in your heart"

So you are the quiet girl who fell in love with a
guy who is popular taken or similar, and you
are quite serious about it. You think about him
all the time, and fantasise about a future with
him, but know that it's very unlikely. That
happened to me several times, and I know how
you feel. The only advice i can give you is to
forget him and find something interesting to do
with your time - like a hobby or make some new
friends! I know you will probably think that's
impossible because you will love Him until the
day you die, but trust me, one day you will get
over it!

Why are you still single? {for girls - many detailed outcomes+PICS!!} EDITED VERSION WITHOUT MISTAKES
brought to you by Quizilla
